QUALITY - Pielle Aluminum Systems

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QUALITY POLITICY                                                          

Our skills:
Understanding, identifying and solving rapid customised solutions
of complex architectural design. We seek to deliver superior performance
by utilising our in-depth industry knowledge, creativity and human capital
to support our clients' challenges.

The company's Quality Policy is focused on the pursuit of customer and stakeholder satisfaction, trust and loyalty, and full compliance with mandatory regulations/legislation. It takes into account the internal and external context in which it operates, monitoring its performance and drawing inspiration from it when defining objectives and risks in the execution of processes.
In order to achieve this, the organisation must be committed to the achievement and maintenance of specific objectives which, taken together, must determine the achievement of the overall quality strategy.
In this context, it must be seen as a fundamental means of guiding Pielle S.r.l. to improve its performance.
To make this possible, the quality policy specifically addresses the corporate and non-business aspects necessary to guarantee success:
- first and foremost, Customer Satisfaction, which requires flexibility, speed and precision, who can see us as a reference and an active partner in their business;
- to all Company Processes for which types and levels of future improvement must be defined, identifying risks, opportunities and suitable indicators for their management;
- to the Company's Personnel who, feeling part of a team striving for business success and customer satisfaction, feel responsible for their actions and participate in the daily control of product quality;
- to Suppliers and Partners in order to achieve high levels of contribution and collaboration for the purpose of common growth;
- start-up of the new production site with the collaboration of everyone in order to guarantee effective and continuous support for the company's growth and success.
The Management has chosen compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard and the continuous improvement resulting from its application as the management tool to achieve its goals.

  the Management            
Dino Pederiva              
28/17, Via G. Zanzotto
I - 31053 Pieve di Soligo TV
Ph +39 0438 860 288
Via della Lira, 194
I - 31053 Pieve di Soligo TV

Ph +39 0438 860 288
VAT number 04861220269 - Pielle srl
ADDRESS: Via della Lira, 194 31053 Pieve di Soligo (TV)
CONTACTS Ph +39 0438 860 288 i.pederiva@pielle.tv
Partita Iva 04861220269 - Pielle srl
37, Via San Rocco
I - 31010 Moriago d.B. TV
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